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dialogs:select-color [2020/04/03 19:14]
Andreas Breitschopp created
dialogs:select-color [2020/04/03 19:42] (current)
Andreas Breitschopp
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 {{keywords>​dialog,​select,​color}} {{keywords>​dialog,​select,​color}}
-====== ​Please wait ======+====== ​Select Color ======
 {{https://​​img/​manual/​dialogs/​select-color/​select-color.png?​nolink|}} {{https://​​img/​manual/​dialogs/​select-color/​select-color.png?​nolink|}}
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 {{https://​​img/​manual/​dialogs/​select-color/​predefined.png?​nolink|}} {{https://​​img/​manual/​dialogs/​select-color/​predefined.png?​nolink|}}
-First there are 48 predefined colors you can choose ​one with just one click.+First there are 48 predefined colors you can choose ​from with just one click.
 ===== Color Wheel ===== ===== Color Wheel =====
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 {{https://​​img/​manual/​dialogs/​select-color/​wheel.png?​nolink|}} {{https://​​img/​manual/​dialogs/​select-color/​wheel.png?​nolink|}}
-On the right side you can select from the full range of colors ​by simply clicking inside the color wheel.+On the right side you can select from the full color spectrum ​by simply clicking inside the color wheel.
 ===== Lightness ===== ===== Lightness =====
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 {{https://​​img/​manual/​dialogs/​select-color/​manual-input.png?​nolink|}} {{https://​​img/​manual/​dialogs/​select-color/​manual-input.png?​nolink|}}
-You have also the option to enter the color manually either by entering its HSL (hue, saturation and luminosity) or RGB (red, green and blue) values.+You have also the option to select ​the color manuallyeither by entering its HSL (hue, saturation and luminosity) or RGB (red, green and blue) values.
 ===== Color Picker ===== ===== Color Picker =====
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 Furthermore,​ this color picker allows you to choose any color currently visible on your screen. Furthermore,​ this color picker allows you to choose any color currently visible on your screen.
-Just click on the picker, keep the mouse button pressed and move the mouse around to the point where you would like to get the color from.+Just click on the picker, keep the mouse button pressed and move the mouse cursor ​around to the point where you would like to get the color from.
-:i: Note: The color picker cannot be used from the Android/iOS app.+:i: Note: The color picker cannot be used with the Android/iOS app.